Walked A Cold Mile

I walk this road alone, not a soul here but my own, this solitude is the only thing I know, so I walk this  cold road alone, just one foot in front of the other, the only company I share this journey with anymore is the cold gust of wind that blows on this cracked and broken road, the only conversation we share are the ones that includes a joke only known between the two of us, a cruel play on my actions that sends shivers down my spine every time, I hear it  a reminder of something I wish so dearly to forget and send it to the abyss but it stays tormenting me everyday, my own personal demon my self appointed tormenter, but I walk this road alone, long since given up hope on finding anyone else who walks it with me, oh how sweet would that be but, in cruel reality is that its an impossibility for that to happen the twist and turns and backwoods trails makes the path I chose a abnormality, an anomalies, that no other shares so I walk this road alone, any company long sine left behind on this cold road just solitude for miles around, the only traveler since it was paved is mine, and it alone a curse, a burden that I carry on my shoulders alone, I've accepted it and embraced it, the cold no longer bothers me, I've grown numb to the pain  as the freezing winds blow past attempting to chill my soul to, but I ignore them and just put one front of the other, no specific path I've taken, just a mindless wander, a gut feeling that has kept me alive so far, and so that is how I live a drifter with no path to follow, a star who's light about to go out, but I just put one foot in front of the other as this cold world tries to hold me down, dragging me back but I push on, dead set on finding what lies at the end of the road, to see what my gut feeling has been leading me to all this time, so I put one front of the other and push on, banished from civility, hospitality is unneeded when there no one is there to talk to no one to share your worries and woes, so I just walk on with this on my mind, a curse that plagues me whenever I get lost in my mind a maze of landmines and trip wires, all in an attempt to stop my progress so I leave my thoughts alone in the dark, a fate the same as mine a lonely feeling takes me over, but I push on this cold road one foot at a time, a curse, a burden unique to me, as I try and find what lies at the end, is it and exit or another trail even darker and colder than this one, as I push on to find what lies at the end of this road I walk all so alone, in eternal solitude, my last thought as I round the bend as the wind sends one last cold gust of wind, a final good by as I enter the forest that sign reads grove of regret, a chilling name I think as I step into the new world that’s even colder a trial that brings back memories that I tried so hard to hide, hoped and prayed would die, but its seems that they've come back from the grave to torment me once again, a grimace finds its way on my face as a twisted grin grows on theirs, showing all their gnarled and twisted teeth each one triggers a memories that could have ended differently if I had done it differently, a cruel game they play, but that is the way I live, an eternal torment on all the mistakes I've made, a cruel but well deserved fate.


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