Views, Words, and Origninal Thought
Views and words, views and words.
Oh how you shaped my reality.
Some where in between the lines of
new stories, sayings, quotes, books, articles, people, discussions
Somewhere in between those words
those carefully thought out words,
so intricitly designed and structured
I lost value of my own thoughts.
It's crazy,
cause whenever something tramatic happens,
the first thoughts that pop into my mind
are the most sincere,
most reasonable.
So sure that it comes from above
There must be an angel in my ear
Like a carefully thought out math problem
I feel that the reality is so twisted, so complicated.
Even then I doubt myself.
Maybe this is where my ego lacks
I stand doubtful,
stigmatized inwardly,
"I'm too human and flawed."
I'm young,
ignorant, naive.
Surely there is an answer
Lemme google it,
Matter of fact, lemme call a friend.
Make that two, or three.
I sit and doubt, and rethink, and repeat myself.
What ever happened to orginal thought?
Looking up a quote of Oscar Wilde
All like " Most people are other people.
Their thoughts are someone else's opinions,
their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
Well damn right. I must be a collective experience
of all sorts of words and views.
Across different languages,
boarders, races, times and era and space
A collection of people both young and old and dead but not forgotten.
The real me.