vexing hexing purgatory

denied wishes, shattered dreams and un reciprocated love make up the realty I live, a place where every thing you do is looked at with soul crushing, distain and loathing opinion of you, where every action you do is declared a failure before you even begin, with no explanation you are followed by unjustified hatred, a life of unending, near breakpoint suffering, a soul crushing purgatory, a unlivable, society, where my wishes are scoffed at, my dreams of being treated normally are crushed under a hammer of, their unfounded hatred and distain for my life a hatred fueled by something I've done, but what treachery I'm guilty for is something unknown to me but burned into there mind like branded cattle it never leaves them a reminder, but the actions I've done to deserve such heartless accusations and damning vows at ending my life, is an enigma only known to them, I seem to have a unbridled vexing effect on all around me, no matter where I go, my crime unknown to my own is common knowledge to everyone else all around the globe, a crime that seems unforgivable,

Unfathomable, un redeemable betrayal I've committed either is a falsity placed upon me for anothers escape from the fate I know carry, or my unconscious decision by my conscious to lock it away in a vault, far away from my fathomable memory a cruel thing I know, all I wish is to know what I've done to be crushed under the weight of these vexing, hexing stares of those around me wishing, wanting my, unpleasant demise in a way that will cause me the most pain and unfathomable insufferable agony, I just want to know what I've done to be bound to don this crown of thorns, made of distain and hatred, a vexing, hexing curse upon me, what action caused this sentence, of unwanted, unwished, desired penance, What is it I've done to shatter my dreams, a hopeless need to know my crimes I know but a man can dream cant he.


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Our world


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