Vengeance Of God
A man broke into my house and killed my entire family.
Because of his corrupt lawyer, he was found not guilty.
He killed another family and was found not guilty a second time.
His lawyer convinced the juries to find him innocent of the crimes.
I was going to have vengeance by killing him and I was really going to do it.
But God was just as angry as I was and he beat me to it.
The killer got third degree burns all over his body when he was engulfed by flames.
God made him pay because he was an abomination who brought nothing but shame.
I went through hell when he was found not guilty, it was too much to sustain.
He survived for four days after being burned and he was in excruciating pain.
I was working on night shift and that's why I wasn't able to protect my family.
God's vengeance was worse than my own, that's why the killer died in agony.
(Eeven though this poem is fictional, God really does have vengeance from time to time.)
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I really like this poem. The description doesn't help so much as to see what happened, but rather to show how the person saying this felt. I have been told once with a poem through the eyes of a murderer that I have empathy. This person has empathy too, but just for the victim rather than the murderer.