Unwritten Dream
My Haven that once used to be, is no longer.
The once familiar place, has vanished.
Locks and keys with no match,
A maze filled with no exits, no entrances, no answers.
The parchment paper that held my voice, the ink that flowed, causes throb,
just as lyrics once influenced, now cause pain.
A dark place, a black hole, the never ending pit of pain.
My once happy thoughts are no longer,
as it continues to throb.
To where could you have gone, why must you vanish?
I look and look but nothing comes, no answers.
This person who I’ve become, is no match.
Set fire to this place with a match.
Please let it go, let it release, goodbye pain.
Let my heart release the agony and answers.
Let my words flow, so hurt is no longer.
I dare you, I dare you to vanish.
Please take away the throb.
The words swirl, refusing to release, turn up the throb.
No option left but to comply, to accept a defeated match.
Yet I still sit and wish it will vanish.
I want to kiss it goodbye, yet hello echoes pain.
All I wish is that it was no longer,
All I wish is for some answers.
Why are my thoughts twisted? Answer,
Explain to me why, why throb?
Answer me as to why I cannot be me any longer.
You take my voice, you take my passion. I am no match.
Do you realize how you cause pain?
I wish you and your friends would vanish.
One day maybe it will vanish.
maybe they will have answers.
It will have subsided, no longer pain.
The ache will be gone with the throb,
And I will be ready for a match.
I will be me, stranger no longer.
Until that day, it’s not to vanish, but to cause throb.
Remaining with unanswered questions and no match.
With all the pain in the world, my haven no longer.