Twisted Picture

She paints a twisted picture that most people will miss.

Its the story of her life, a road map to her soul,

A visual of the bumps she has hit in the road.

Lately the picture has started to fade, and she just doesn't feel the same.

The picture is proof that she endured the rough times,

Evidence of her determination to climb,

To make it through, with whatever it takes.

Even if it means more marks on her slate.

The last few weeks life has taken her down,

She has fallen prey to everything that is going around.

She tries so hard, to resist the urge, knowing nobody will like this picture of hers.

But sometimes she just has to get it out.

She grabs her paintbrush and gets to work. 

The color starts cascading down the canvas,

Somehow she knows that nobody will understand this.

But its okay.

She continues with this silent exchange. 

SHe paint her a beautiful picture but there is a twist.

The paintbrush is her razor, and the paintbrush is her wrist.


♧♥ Daria Danae ♥♧


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