In Toga-Armor Clad
He taught me math, the hallowed path, My tutor, since Grade 1, Taught too to dare in Science Fairs, Good many have I won. Taught me to write, with words ignite, Use sparks to start a flame, When arguing your argument, Must words an insight frame. Archimedes, Aristotle, Alexander, called The Great, Athena, Aphrodite, Of men, their gods and fate. How to dress with it finesse, So too, to throw a punch, To start a fire and spot a liar, Believe in it a hunch. Say ‘please’ before you ask it, Say ‘thank you’ when received, Tell no lies nor truth disguise, So that you’ll be believed. Be loyal to your loved ones, Find time for them, your friends, If bond you break, don’t bond forsake, Say sorry … make amends. And of the tricks of politics, Things rarely as they seem, One finds Virtue in the middle, And Vice at it extremes. My teacher and my tyrant, In toga-armor clad, My mentor and my captain, My hero … and my Dad.