
For years, she has tirelessly labored.

Four years she has tirelessly labored.

But now?

She's tired.

She has tried her best to be

a model student

a good example

your favorite pet 

Other teachers praised her 

She could have dedicated all of her time to their subjects,

But she chose you.

She chose you.

She jumped through the hoops

and danced as your puppet

and slaved for hours of her life.

Her peers respected her

Chose her

Expected her to lead

But did you choose her?

Did she not do enough to earn your favor?

Of course not.

Best not make the obvious choice

Not when there is another student

who has also worked so hard

(when he shows up)

who has also earned respect

(from other potheads)

who is a stable leader

(except when he is completely unstable)

so you ought to choose him

(so that he won't quit when you don't).

When he fails you

(and he has)

When he leaves you

(like he has)

I am ready to step up when you need me

(you need me)

I will fill that role when you ask

(but you haven't asked).

So I will continue to pretend

that you are not rewarding bad behavior

I will pretend

like you aren't throwing your

best students to the curb.

I will pretend that you haven't 

wronged me

hurt me

beat me down.

If this is how you

choose your leaders

treat your students

do your job

I sure hope that you're not a teacher much longer.

Because you have made me tired.








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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741