Tick Tock

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 19:27 -- Swope

Tick, Tock

 Tick Tock      

What’s that noise?

You hear it too?

It’s the beat of my temper

Raging on and on

Glistening in the light

And intensifying with every second

Stand a little closer

May then you’ll understand

That this cycle never ends

And once my last breath is gone

It just begins again

Without notice I get weak

And the strength intensifies

Your raging humor engulfs me

And nothing ever seems to be okay



I found the lock

It’s in the shape of

 a heart

I wonder where it leads to

A place you want to be

Or a place of certain regret

The two are so different

Yet they can lead to the same thing

You know one is preferred

But in the end

You’re set to be damned

Don’t listen to the voices

Which will cause you harm

Listen to the



Of your temper

This will tell you what you can deal with

And which path you should take


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