Teachers: 0 America:
What would I change
What wouldn't I change
I'd change the sky's color to purple
And the grass to orange
Would be easier
Than changing the classroom score.
Beyonce makes X amount
and Bill Gates 10 times as much
Tiger Woods on the PGA Tour
and his coach? in the dust.
Why do they get paid so high
And teachers abandoned
Hung to dry?
The energy they use
Cannot be compared
To a dancer who got his break
On a reality show somewhere.
Not to mention
Their true job classification
Parents have thrown in the towel
Waving the white flag
And expect Superman to appear
In room 503, down the hall there.
I would raise a teachers pay
Screw the common core
All these policies created
By those who snore.
How can the U.S. spend
On "education"
Half of what Nintendo spent
On "innovation"?
Wake up America
Best nation on the planet
We are getting no where
But better twerkers
And rappers dogmatic.
Who taught them how to read
How to write, rhyme, sing
How to swing a golf ball
Work computers and machines
Who listened to homework protests
Broke up fights in the hall
Who tried their best to educate you
When you wouldn't give them your all
Teachers are overlooked
Deserve to strike!
America needs to change
Where it's focus is. Tonight.