Stress Reliever
I pick it up
And turn it over
It balances perfectly in my hand
No chips
No dents
It's ready to use
My feet on the line
My arrows in the quiver
Ready to shoot
Waiting for the whistle
There it is
Thundering in the silence
We raise our bows
Nock our arrows
And it begins
The rumble grows
As we continue to shoot
And the arrows continue to fly
My anxiety leaps
As I reach for my last arrow
I nock it quickly and smoothly
And take a deep breath
Drawing the string back
Raising it to my lips
Getting ready to aim
I find my spot on the target
And move the curve to it
I hold my breath
And still every movement
This is it
The final step
That will determine my score
I release
It flies
Curving down perfectly
It lands
Burying itself deep
But sadly
My aim was off
Too far to the right
Scoring me only a seven
But this does not discourage me
I will only try again and again and again
My stress reliever