It feels like stones no matter what I put in
The hardness makes my stomach groan in pain
The echoing of the fall audible from the outside
I can eat old favourites or new worsts but it ends the same
The unbearable clenching of raw hunger
The nauseating sensation that grips my core
I try to eat, I really do!
But I don't know if I can take anymore.
Normally it's just a few bites before the pain begins
And I am so unaccustomed to that making me "full"
I try as I may, I eat what I might
But the pain feels like it's cutting into my soul
I don't like the feeling
I think I've lost a size already
But it is just so damn awkward
Getting full off of THREE spaghetti
I mean the noodles, not bowls full
I only had one taste
Before the pain began to kick me
UGH! I'm being such a waste!
I can't even control it anymore!
This has gotten so out of hand!
God, I can't wait until the day
That I can eat normally again.