Start Over
Sharp, sting, pain, bliss, but over all a Distraction
When there’s a ball of emotions in your chest so tangled you can’t tell the difference from depression and anxiety there’s only one thing that seems right
There’s only one action that, while adds to the tangled mess, starts to unravel it
An overwhelming sense of release
A blinding control forces your hand
An unconscious decision made in desperate unfocused moments
Clean, years clean, lets keep it that way
Struggle through the days burning inside
No words to describe it, fakes a smile
I’m fine….liar
Start over
Clean. Weeks clean, lets make it a year
the scars remain
I swear I’m fine
no one sees how fake that is
Start over
Clean. Hours clean, lets make it a day
The marks dont heal, but slowly fades
A daily reminder, not of how stupid it was
But of how good it felt, how clear your head became
Even for just a moment, that moment is worth it right?
Start over
Minutes, lets make it an hour
Bleeding slows but doesn’t stop
Another reminder, head is clear, bliss takes over, calm slowly creeps in
but it’s over too fast
Start again
Start ag
The End.