If I close my eyes, I can hear them
The quiet mumbling of the crowd
Voices mingling into one loud whisper
Only for me to hear
And the lines repeat in my head
Not wanting to disappoint
But as the blinding lights are revealed
From behind the shrouded mystery of the veil
I know I will not
For the next two hours I am an observer
Carefully watching the moves my body makes as the other person slips into my skin
I am free to float about the ceiling
Feeling her emotions
Knowing her life in complete detail
Yet, I do not have to be there
Once the timer goes off
My veil is let down again
The lines flood back into my mind
My body is mine once more
That is all I need
How can they not understand?
They rip me away from my freedom
Two hours
Every six months
To be released from this cage behind the veil
Too much to ask...
Too much...