Speak Up

We live in an America where people would rather see a black man shot dead than take a knee.
We live in an America where they don’t care about our history
We live in an America that was built on the backs of our slave ancestors yet where is our liberty
Its funny how they like black culture but not black people
They take our style and our swag but wont speak for us
We are expected to be silent and submissive and to not have thoughts and beliefs because thats dangerous
They are scared of us
But we will not back down
We will not stop fighting
Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray and countless others
We can not breathe! We scream it and they pay no mind.
White Supremacist rally in Charlottesville and Donald Trump claims they’re “fine” people
Speak up. Use your voice in the fight against racism and bigotry
Because no one will fight for us but we

This poem is about: 
My country


Frosted cookie❄️🍪






I hate what happened in Charlottesville. I live there.

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