soulful unity
Brother, slap me some skin. Brother? no, I may got more to do with someone who can't pass
for black. Brother? am I any relation to you because we got the same smoke color skin. The
skin I'm in don't form no bonds, no relations to you black brother, black sister.
You kin to me? Yesterday, maybe, we were all marching for a better tommorrow. Call out: Hey my brother? What it is my sister. You alright?
Heaven is calling you Kings & Queens to sit upon dreams that bless your common man your sister your brother your continental ancestor your righteous kin folk your antique matriarch and patriarch.
Ain't in- common , ain't in- law, aint passing for your brother. Tresspassing maybe. I can't pass for you anymore. Bless me with a handshake, but
don't cross noboundary between, 'yo my brother' and "yo my sister'. It aint some statement to uplift the race. It aint some
statement to soulful unity. It aint some contract trying to create false recognition. It aint in fashion.
Bell bottoms, afros, the black fist, MLK holiday.You aint my brother. You aint my sister. No same mother tied on yours and my boots.
No same mother gathered you and me on the same hip. No same mother gave you and me the same dose of
love. You aint my brother, you aint my sister.