It's only 5 letters but feels more like a mouthful.
You've bit off more than you can chew now you're choking on it.
You can't swallow your pride so you spit it out.
S...snakes it's way through your lips with jaws open ready to strike.
Piercing my skin and injecting your toxic venom into my veins.
Leaving me too delirious to recognize your insincerity.
O...obnoxiously overused.
Shaping your mouth into an expression of both surprise and disgust.
R...right or wrong doesn't matter.
The line gets blurred in the grey matter of your blood shot eyes.
You don't care if your wrong you say it because it seems right.
Because it's what you were taught to say, not because you mean it.
R...repetition. repetition. repetition.
Maybe if you say it over and over it'll stop sounding so foreign.
Maybe it will come as naturally as the red glow in your cheeks or the glazed look you wear so well.
Y...always ending in unanswered questions.
Leaving you empty.
Hungry for more so you take another bite.