Silent Good-bye
I want to say that I love you.
But I can't, because the truth is, I don't.
Sometimes I wish I did, though.
I think I could learn to if we had the chance.
You haven't noticed me yet, have you?
Still, I can't put on a show for you anymore.
I don't know, but I wish I could say I do.
I joke about obsessing, but it's too real to be funny.
Every time I see you, I want to say something.
Why don't I? Why can't I tell you?
Because God doesn't want me to.
At least, not today.
Will I ever be able to love you?
Seeing you walk away will hurt for a while.
Jesus will heal me.
Someday, maybe He'll bring you back.
I wish you the best.
Your girl will be blessed beyond imagination.
Now it's time to say good-bye.
I just wish we had the chance to say hello.