Silence the hate to be great
The cheers, the sneers, the constant fears
A country divided into these groups brings some to tears
When freedom is exclusive, and for too many it's elusive
Those cheers fall on deaf ears
As an even greater worry nears
The land of the free, the home of the brave
Chauvinists and populists continue to make waves
In a country that is great in so many ways
But its freedoms elude far too many today
The hate directed at Muslims, women, immigrants, and Jews, it's not exclusive
For those groups and others, the American dream of acceptance is elusive
Discrimination, hate, and unfair pay
The oppression is real, but too few of the men in power say, "Hey!"
Being a white male is easy in a country founded by my kind
It's a stroll in the park, never watching your behind
But with that privilege comes guilt that so many don't seem to mind
It's frustrating, flipping on a TV daily and seeing acts of hate
When "Patriots" continue to extol a country they claim is great
If taken at their word, our founding fathers did right
Guaranteeing freedoms and protections for all in sight
They gave us freedom to criticize; protest; preach, and fight for our rights
The document reads like the great emancipator for people who didn't see a light
Now, 240 years later, we're neglecting their vision
Ben Franklin and John Adams wanted a free land for all, but no, plutocrats have made a decision
To squash the rights, one by one, of minority groups
Our president has even threatened to send in his troops
This is the country I know
This is the country I like
But our America and the one the Constitution describes are not alike
That caveat, that feeling of guilt, won't disappear until this land is dreamlike
American can be great
It possesses many of the traits
Right now, though, this land isn't great
For in our country today, there's just too much hate