She Was...

She was

young, determined, naive.

shy, yet eager to please.


She was 

little with a big heart

brave with all the scars to prove it,

because in her little mind she had nothing to loose.


Until her mind wasnt so little

and she was beginning to notice how afwul being 7 with no real friends was.


She was lonely

a talkative girl with so few words to say

she turned to books to find them.

she was certain that all she needed were those crisp pages and they would be enough


until they werent

and she was beginning to notice how weird people thought she was


She was 12

when she decided she needed a change,

 a chance to express herself in a better way,

and it all started on the day she pretened to sleep in class.

She made them all laugh


She was wild like a fire,

but her smile burned brighter than any flame

her presence illuminated gloom

lighting up a room.

her upbeat tempo brought smiles to faces

people wanted her in different places

and she wanted to go


until she couldn't

the 8th grader couldnt handle "no"

and it crushed her soul



She was a breeze

a free spirit that did as she pleased,

that traveled with ease

across the seven seas of highschool.


until she realized it wasnt a breeze

and neither was being a teen with no vision or dream


She is under preasure

and her loved ones arent making it any better.

She needs to find a goal and do it now

its to early for her world to come crashing down


She is insecure

she is not who she wants to be

she wants to be more responsible with her

thoughts, body, mind, money, time.

She needs to know where to draw and cross the line.




She is alive,

awake, flowing with the speed of the times,

a more mature mind, than she had 4 years prior.

She has begun to glow in her own way

making every day a new way to count her blessings,

and as she continue to grow

she will glow, not just up but down on those who doubted her.

she will shroud them in the light of her accomplishments

and that light will continue to glow,


Until her dreams are reached,


And even after that.


This poem is about: 


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