Seventeen is a milestone


United States
38° 1' 5.826" N, 121° 55' 28.4016" W

Seventeen is a milestone.
Over the years I have grown,
And through different places that I have flown
I see.
That 17 is a milestone.
Where I live,
Lead travels at the same speed as baseballs,
And in regularity.
I’m afraid to report,
That drugs move in anonymity in these streets like terrorist move through airports.
Unseen, Unheard.
And it doesn't make much sense to me,
That I am lucky if I reach seventeen.
A seriously uncommon feat that I am constantly breaking stereotypes to meet.
Everyone celebrates sixteen and twenty-one
But unfortunately,
A 16 year old celebration is a temporary one.
And a 21 year old celebration is a far overdue one.
As pessimistic as it may be, I am merely attempting to think realistically.
Tell me why we as students can, out of nowhere, ignite intellectual conversation.
Weaving intricate details into an argument, perpetuating an analytically inspired tryst in which knowledge meets knowledge and the two fall in love building off of each others’ prowess.
But then we can turn around,
And bust a cap into another man’s body.
I am petitioning for a redress.
Tell me why everyday more of the youth are in prison taking part of in an institution that encourages a downward spiral which does nothing but promote an enslaved mindset.
Tell me why youth are dying every day,
Bullet shells hit the ground;
Next to a dead teen mother and an innocent bastard baby.
Destined to drag his cardboard box home as regularly as he drags his low self esteem and the plethora of other ailment and pains that plague him.
This sad fact is accredited to this vicious cycle of downward spirals,
And unfortunately, in some neighborhoods these spirals are going viral.
I’m not scolding the youth for their actions, I am merely insinuating that if we don’t pull out the chopper and bust a cap into the backs of the asinine ideals that are holding us back.
We will never get ahead,
And every coming day will be a new milestone.


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