Less than a year before I leave
So short time I can hardly believe
As that day approaches I start to reminisce
About all the things I'm going to miss.
My friends, my peers it has been six years
All enjoyable though some were queer
With all of you I have had many laughs,
As the years continue to go and pass.
My siblings, my brothers I love you so much
I'll call everyday so we'll stay in touch
But while I'm gone, my stuff shan't you bother,
regardless I'll love you my little brothers.
Mom and Dad, we "fight" day and night,
To assure I grow like a star so bright,
Like a plant needs the sun, you glow and provide
Forever, I'll love you, my eternal guides
So many I'm thankful for I always lose track,
As before my eyes goes this mini flashback
The past be the past, the future draws near
Until graduation, my final high school year.