Selfish Ignorant Humans
Oh you poor little humans,
You Selfish Ignorant Humans
you think that your cause is right,
but your fight is not a just cause.
You fight for injust reasons
hoping for change
and revolting when it
never comes.
Your Selfishness Blinds you,
Leading you onwords into
and endless Abyss of
Lying, Decete, and Crime.
Your Ignorance hurts the Freedom you love,
Showing you are not
truly worthy of holding
such an omnipitant power in your hands.
Let me offer you a bit of advice,
"Frieden, Liebe und Wissen"
or Peace, Love, and Knowledge.
With these armed by your side
nothing is impossible,
Your Selfishness fades to gray
as if it never exsisted
And as for your Ignorance,
it manifests into somthing better
the Humility, and Adultness
needed to overcome anything.
With this in mind
I wish you the best of luck,
Dont be attacted to your own life
But instead thrive with those around you
Take those little words with you
"Frieden, Liebe und Wissen"
as they will guide you to greater things
You Selfish Ignorant Humans