Sealing My Demons
My mind was once plagued by a horde of demons
They manifested in all shapes and sizes
From fears of abandonment or my hidden bruises
they kept my sanity locked away.
Controlled by emotions I lashed out violently
hurting the people who tried to help.
Therapy, fighting, sex, my demons fought it all
burning away my desire to live.
Unable to handle much more I wrote my will
but my words felt untamed and hollow.
Unsure of what to do I began to write more
until those papers were full of life.
The life I lived the life I desired filled those pages
I realized I didn't want to die.
So I filled more pages until my mind grew quiet
there they were my demons on paper.
Poetry continues to teach me about myself
about my desires and my demons.
How to express my self in words and not violence
poetry taught me to value my life.
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Wow this is beautiful. This is exactly how I feel. Suicide is such a deep topic that I'm glad that we're becoming more aware of so that we are able to help those in a dark place. I definitely have been in that place before and the way your poem expresses those feelings is just so raw and inspiring.