I'm not nervous, I'm scared and worried that it all ends here
I'm scared that all those dreams I've been dreaming are nothing but dreams
Scared that the life I once feared living is now my future reality
Scared that, " Dream BIG " and " You Can Be What You Want To Be " is nothing but a lie
Scared that society and the world has already figured out my future for me
Scared that I won't get a high ACT score
Scared that I won't get into my safety school, let alone that Ivy League
Scared that I'll be stuck in a city, that I've clearly outgrown
Scared that I could potentially end up all alone
Scared that all my hard work won't be seen and will go to waste
Scared that I won't be able to finish this race
The race to that stage, the race to that podium, the race to that piece of paper that will define me forever
So I'd much rather be nervous
Nervous that my dreams are coming true and I have to figure out what to do
Nervous that the future is what I make it and wondering If I'm making it
Nervous about it all not being a lie and those BIG ASS DREAMS are actually coming true
Nervous about whether or not I've chosen the right major, because the Ivy League I'm attending has so many wonderful and interesting courses
Nervous that I'll be home sick, and miss that city I've outgrown
Nervous on my wedding day, and on the birth dates of my children, because I'll never be alone
Nervous, because I did finish the race
Nervous because I made it to that stage, to that podium, to that piece of paper
Nervous that my graduation speech will be so stupid and messed up, that everyone will laugh
Nervous that I'll screw up in front of millions of people at graduation
But I would much rather be nervous, because nerves tell me that I'm SCARED because everything is going right and I'm hitting a major break through, that I don't feel ready for, even though I am.
So yeah, fuck being scared
I'm not scared anymore
But, I am nervous as hell