The reality is that life isn't fair.
You will never always get what you want,
And you will eventually come across a couple hundred bad days.
We make wrong choices on a regular basis
We get rejected
We have regrets
We overthink the smallest things
We trust the wrong people
We get stabbed in the back by the people we thought we were so close to
We cry ourselves to sleep
We lose our loved ones before we even realize we love them
We question our worth and purpose, and then lose confidence
But after rain comes a rainbow... right?
Sometimes our storm can last several years
We are then hesitant about going foward in life
And although it may seem like forever in the moment,
Your sunshine and rainbow will be that much bigger and brighter
You want to think that if you cross your fingers and hope,
You'll be fine
Truth is, you're 18.
You haven't even lived a quarter of your life.
In fact, your life is just getting started.
So, have hope, make good choice but also take risks, and live your life.
Don't listen to anyone else on how to live your life because you'll be the one living it.
Live life with the goal to have minimal regrets and 'what ifs' when you're on your death bed.
That F you got on your calculus test?
It won't matter in 5 years so why are you so worked up about it right now?
It's a done deal, accept it, move on.
Your life is too short to worry about things you can no longer control.
You'll eventually meet your fate,
so keep your head up, don't waste time, trust in the world
And make good karma happen.