real love
I almost thought for a
moment that I did not
love you. That I somehow
managed to miss the
boomerang I threw a
long time ago. That I
stepped over this hole,
that I leapt over this
river, that I somehow
learned how to fly and
left you way behind.
I did not.
I thought I had done
those things because
the love I have for you
is not the kind I am used
to. You do not make me
jittery. You do not make
me excited or anxious or
make me confuse my left
foot with my right. You do
not give me butterflies,
because you know that I
hate bugs and that their
little legs would make me
run the other way.
You got me to actually stay-
and not to leave. You did
something only one other
person has ever done before.
You saw me trip over my
words and cross my eyes-
and you smiled. You saw
my weird ways of writing
the letters in my name and
you said you could read
them perfectly fine. You
laughed at my dumb jokes
and told me they were too
dumb to be funny. You read
the words I had written for
the people who broke me
before I met you, and you
felt empathy, but not pity.
You saw the parts of me
that I was so used to being
criticized for, and told me
that it was beautiful. That
it was what made me, me.
I guess part of the reason
I did not think I would start
to care for you, is because
I never tried to impress you.
I never looked at you, never
thought to myself “oh, there
is an opportunity”, and took it.
I acted around you the way
I would act around a mirror,
and you appreciated who I
was better than any reflection
I had ever seen.
I have never loved myself
more than when I am around
you. Not because I am at all
any different, but because
I am not. I do not have to
be different with you- who
I am is enough to satisfy
whatever relationship we
have. Who I am is enough
to satisfy me- I do not need
you in order to be complete.
And I thank you for that,
because I am aware that I
can not have you and I do
not want to try and take you.
You are not something to be
stolen, but someone who
deserves to be adored and
appreciated the way you have
appreciated me. And if the
person who makes you feel
that way, happens to not be
me, that is perfectly fine. I am
glad someone will love you.
You deserve to be loved.