Real Friends vs. Fake Friends
Real Friends are a rarity.
They come with consistency.
And good qualities.
They are the ones
Who are always around
Not just when they need you,
But when you’re in need of them.
Ones who can comprehend
Your actions,
And interests.
Instead of
Opting quick judgement,
Spreading degradation,
Reeking of entitlement,
And boiling up jealousy
Just to dissolve of you.
Real friends
See each other
As equals
And strive to
Maintain good fortune
For one another.
Ones who you’re allowed to be
Personal with.
Build years of trust with;
Rather than treating each other like
twits and dimwits.
Succeed with;
Rather than snaking
to-get-someone livid.
Supporting excellence
Rather than negligence.
Real friends are scarce,
So don't choose this bond
with bad taste.