Queen of the Forest
Filter, contrast, brighten, enhance
My face until you cant see my real hair color
Is it strawberry blonde or more of a honey auburn?
I’m not sure anymore either
Primer, foundation, eyeliner, mascara
Paint my eyes open bright, coy, wide
To see a world filled with mirrors
I keep dodging
My camera app opens with a front facing lens and
I scare myself because I think I’ve been possessed
By a sad painting with frazzled hair looking like
The world has gotten the best of her again
In the summer, I work with inner city boys
At a sticky summer camp for 2 months
And makeup is scarce but somehow
My smile is wider
In the summer, my hair
Gets bleached beyond repair and an Irish
Girl cuts it off in the bathroom with
Dull shears and I couldn’t have been happier
We learn to camouflage ourselves
Like deer living in the woods
Doe-eyed, majestic and blending better
Than I could ever do my eye shadow anyway
I let the boys have full reign using
Face paint and leaves until I become
A queen of the forest, blending into nothing
Except maybe my own skin
I take a selfie after my makeover to show
My friends who laugh and ask why I let
Them draw on my face, which was when I realize
Sometimes the screen can’t capture the feeling
And sometimes the screen can’t capture the mood
And sometimes the screen can’t capture the glow
In my skin and my soul when I’m with people
I love and people who draw on my face and laugh
But still ask to be tucked in at bedtime
Sometimes a screen isn’t what I need to make me
Feel like me and maybe what I need is someone
To show me why I’m me and maybe I need to throw away
The MAC gel liner and delete the photo editor and
Get some more face paint.