The By-Products of Humanity
The by-products of humanity lay at my feet no matter what environment I'm exposed to.
They creep into the peace and tranquility of natural beauty
Without precaution, without emotion
Cruel and true
No matter who is around to witness the constant destruction.
Beaches are places of carefree nostalgia
The air crisp, clean
Warm, multi-textured sand meets the crevices of my toes
The sun gleaming and illuminating the breathtaking blue of the ocean
Suffocating as tons of waste are carelessly blown and thrown on top
Sharp burns pour from the atmosphere above
Actually, the air is hinted with gray
And the textures beneath my feet are mixtures of
Plastic as it slowly outranks natural sand.
The warmth in reality is cigarette butts
Forming phantom burns on my feet.
Humans are selfish.
Obsessed with the vision of a world where consequences don't manifest
Denying concern for the suffering
Even if the suffering lies beneath their own feet.
Instead, they persist their own agenda
Breaking away life forms
Crumbling survival systems
As long as it temporarily quenches their thirst for
Fast, easy luxury.
Only introduced two seconds into a clock of
billions of years
Managed to tear
and morph
and destory
The very system that supports them
Infinite trees now replaced with the haunting, constant trail of
And the colors shift into grayscale
Diversity slows
Offering less to future generations
In order to make life a little less complicated.
The by-products of humanity lay at my feet no matter what environment I'm exposed to.
Overindulgence forging a path of habitual death and destruction
Generating a legacy of cruelty as the
Fuel is used up and Time runs out
Narrowing the opportunities for the future
All to satisfy the hunger of a beast so powerful
Our own world cannot even contain it.
The by-products of humanity lay at my feet no matter what environment I'm exposed to.
And I don't know if humanity can stop it.