it was as though he was helium,
and I just happened to be an empty balloon.
often we found nothing but tedium,
although it felt as though I was just waiting to blow up, some afternoon.
for he often fulfilled me with a feeling of light and air.
same as a balloon, I knew I was doomed from the beginning.
he possessed the ability to cause a grand tear.
I let him in, and he filled me with insatiable love, thus my walls began thinning.
my love grew till it seemed to reach a lethal altitude.
and as quickly as he’d begun to love me, he’d stopped.
inevitably, the love that once flew recklessly had been utterly skewed.
to put it simply: my heart, just like that fragile balloon, popped.
similarly and as dangerously as a balloon, I’d come to find—
a heart can be let go of, torn, broken, and popped, thanks to one simple mind.