Please Just Listen
School is a place of study
This is the biggest lie
As soon as you enter the doors
You cannot help but cry
Constant revenge for nothing you may have done
For nothing I may do, is ever good enough
All I do is worry, leaving pages bare
Grades are becoming nothing, but a crazy scare
While teachers asking why
All eyes upon me, waiting for a response
Feeling all alone, I do a little shrug
Looking as though I simply do not care
But really, I am scared
Trying to fit in
Without a single fight
Avoiding confrontation with all my might
Never ending battles, seem to never fail
For why must I struggle when all I have is railed
I wish for a day where I can be free
Walking down that isle with a paper of sweet victory
Before this dream comes true, I need someone like you
To listen to my words, and understand where I am at
Lending out a helping hand, picking me up again
Caring about my dreams, and wishing they come true
You listen to me, and I will cherish you