A plea to my stolen girlhood and joy

I lay looking into the breeze

telling me of the cruelty based on the girl who grew up too soon

telling me her girlhood was stolen

her presence treasured nowhere near her

She only cries near the waters

because by now for her it so natural

For her own blood and tears betraying her everytime

For her own army to stand against her

she sits with her solace in the corner

people clump upon her to pick up the trash

nobody really believes in the fairytale she can brew

even her mentors not there to stand up against the tyranny

because she is on the side of no power

oh how cruel that her weapon is her solace

her friends are her tears

she fears what if she doesn't make it in life

will her life be the example of what it shouldn't?

People tell her to stop pitying her ownself

can she ever tell them that her talent will take her a million places

she knows her talent has her back

she knows she'll make it big

i tell her she'll make it big

i'm her mirror

her tears clouding up her dreams

everyone who left you will come to see you stand on that stage

everyone who betrayed you

will beg for a ticket backstage

you know you can do it

when they say you can't

because that is what you have done until now

my tears will tell a thousand tales

of how it was my only friend

when everyone betrayed me

but when you insult me again

my army will be bigger

my voice so big

you'll never reach me

and I'll know my presence was never justified

between people who can't value my emotions

that time I'll have power

and I won't let anyone's girlhood be stolen.

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