Piss Off
Believe it or not I didn’t wake up thinking of you
I didn’t put on lipstick for you
I didn’t brush my hair for you
I didn’t wear this dress for you
And it’s not an invitation
Don’t tell me I’m asking for it
Don’t tell me I’m pretty
Don’t tell me my butt looks nice
Don’t whistle at me
I can only imagine your lack of intelligence
When you body shame women
tall, large, ugly, short, small, dike, slut, fat, skinny, flat-chested
You wouldn’t whistle if another man were with me
Because it would be offensive
Because I BELONG to him
Like a shoe belongs to my foot.
So don’t look so shocked when I stop in the middle of the street to call you out
For calling me out
“You so fine, red”
“Hey beautiful”
“Smile, sexy”
You chauvinistic ass hole- I woke up thinking of me
I put on lipstick for me
I brushed my hair for me
I wore this dress for me
I owe you nothing- not my time nor conversation
And especially not my body
Piss off.