Perseus; the human
Aren't we all like Perseus?
Looking for what we can conquer
For what will give us glory
And immediate satisfaction?
Looking for what we selfishly require to soothe our sinful palate
Rather than see the thievery, debauchery, infidelity and calamity
That we leave on our path to that beautiful glory
We keep our eyes fixated on the prize
Pretend that we didn't hesitate
When we pilvaged the sanctuaries
Behind the eyes of the innocent
For just one more
Unsentimental mug raised in our name
A mug haunted by the eyes
Of the lives we stole in glories name
And tainted by the shame inside our hearts
Pretend that it meant nothing to us
That we didn't stay up in vigile the whole night
While guilt and remorse swallowed us whole
That we didn't bury our armor and burn our honor
Or worse; pretend that we did
Spend the day twisting the knife
Through the knees of the kind
Laughing as the crowd cheers
Only to forget the next day
I suppose that's what makes us human