Pep talk
"I am frustrated
so very frustrated."
It's all for the best,
I swear.
It's all just a way to make you see
what potential you have, kid.
You will be everything and anything
as long as you take a leap
in a hole
of nothing more than your inner soul
find yourself
yes, find all of you
Indeed she's there
waiting for you to grab ahold of her
waiting for you to make her the happiest girl.
Don't cry
Don't scream
Be careful with those bees
One squeal
And you'll be stung-- running as fast as a zebra.
I swear,
It's all for the best.
Just wait and see
you'll cry in joy, hugging me
screaming how you found the truth
Hiding behind the tree
Was it hard, kid?
Ah, sweat and tears are nothing.
You did great.
Now come, come.
Let's go find a place
For some sweet treats.