In Peace.

It was the little things of the year I was thankful for.

Nothing big, nothing tall,

nothing weak, nothing strong.

Only little things is what I saw.

It was the piano keys that sang the song,

the hum that would fill my ear drums.

It was the tears that filled my pillow, that gave me courage, gave me strong will

as my heart began to mend in my arms.

It was the air that helped me breathe,gave me oxygen as it began to die of polluted disease.

It was the stars that shined on me,

they were full of hope, full of light, they were ever so bright.

It was the whistle of the wind that told me to be true, follow your heart, do what you do.

It was the laughter of friends and I,

their smiles, their kindness, and the light in their eyes.

It was the water that laid at my feet that took away the beat.

The water showed me passion, gave me hope and said " Don't worry, you will always have a home. " 

It was the feelng of the leaf that relieved me of my grief. 

It was the books and the pages that got me lost in different ages. 

It was the feeling of fresh grass that carved me a successful path.

It was the feeling of being loved, by friends of all, and family, short and tall, that filled my heart with joy, with song 

They all told me" to be strong, have coruage, open your heart, for you, my dear, your're young, you have time to find love, find yourself, become what you were meant to become. "

It was the little things I am thankful for. The little things that gave me a heart, the little things that made me strong.

I am truly thankful for them all for I don't know what I will do without them at all. 

This poem is about: 
My family
My community
Our world


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