Pay the price
I had a note that I wrote
That started off as an anecdote
But I left it in my coat
And I gave it to a boy so eager and cold
But he didn’t know how to float
And he launched himself into the ice so bold
How I wish I could stop life and give it a hold
As I saw the disaster in my mold
My feelings were shot
My heart was sold
To the boy who was got
I think about you a lot
Change life, I can not
I was there in pain
Justice is what I sought
There was no gain
In this icy lake of Maine
Where I am forever chained
I regressed my thought
But I had gone insane
A boy so cold fell through the ice
He drowned alone and this despite
All I could think of was my own right
To have that note I lost in sight
That kid may have lost his life
But I felt that I was the one to pay the price