Overexploitation of Life's Greatest Mentor
Nature is the biggest inspiration we all have
And we destroy more of it every chance we get
We exert the same lack of respect and love onto this land
That we do for ourselves and each other, please never forget
Nature is the greatest mentor there is
We should be better than this
Every animal we kill knows something we don’t or have dismissed
From the extinct elephant bird to the undiscovered organism in the deepest abyss
Life always begets life
Something must die for another to live
But we have amounted a debt of immense price
Man always kills what they love and nature is running out of sacrifices to give
So, pick up a pen and take a lesson from the natural world around you
Appreciate the sights and creatures you never took the time to before
Don’t cut a tree to see its rings, just appreciate how far it grew
And stop overexploiting and destroying the professor who can teach you forevermore