An Open Letter To Society
AMERICA: The Land of the free and the home of the Brave
But are we really free?
This is my letter to society...
I pledge my allegiance to a flag that don’t do nothin’ for me
They say that there’s liberty and justice for all
Yet our president only cares about building a wall
As our nation falls he’s doing nothing about it
We are sending our kids to school having to tell them to be safe cause we’re unsure if they’re going to come back to the same place. It’s…
Gun violence… The main killer of society
Shakespearean words couldn’t explain it
No it’s not the Iliad and the Odyssey
But, truly it’s not odd to see
So why are we just now speaking up for things that's been wrong for so long
Racism, terrorism, Bad cops, Guns drawn
Let me be honest
We think that we’re perfect but we’re not we’re off track like a bad weave
Our nation's full of nothing but Donald Trumps and loss dreams
And if you put them both together they just create one bad team
And if you paint a bigger picture it does nothing but make a sad scene
But it seems as if
We lost sight of what’s important
Every bond once formed… Our hatefulness has destroyed it
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that
Yet I’m judged off my skin color cause it’s a darker tone than the next man’s
But I know my melanin is beautiful and that’s words to Roseanne
It’s crazy….
Kids getting shot down in the streets, but yet the only thing we see is the presidents worthless tweets
Dear Mr. President…
Where were you at Stoneman High
Or Santa Fe
Are you really going to let your people die at the hands of the NRA
Our nation is falling, our voices, barely above a whisper, we’re calling out but our president is stalling
Yet I pledge my allegiance to a flag that’s Red, White and Blue
And that same flag will shoot me down in front of my school and beat me up until I’m black and blue
Where’s the justice for all
They say every black person’s a con who’s addicted to ye ( Kanye)
Everytime someone asks who can spit bars they turn to me
They say give her a Chance… She’s The Rapper
Why does the color of my skin really even matter?
When I kneel during the anthem it has nothing to do with your flag
Y’all say black don’t crack yet you shatter my melanin like glass
To the authorities… who kill innocent black men
You not only kill him
You kill a father…. You kill a son… you kill a brother…
You leave the mother having to raise her adolescent son
Because of you he grows up scared of guns
Scared to be taken the same way his father did
Because of you this is the way we have to live
How are we indivisible yet divided
We live in the United States Of America, but we’re not united
How come all lives matter when black lives do
No disrespect but, they’re killing us they’re not killing you
But I refuse…
To be another black statistic
Another black kid whose future is already written
How can you hate me because I don’t look like you and still classify as a Christian
That’s the same racism I have to deal with
When I walk into any building… Women clutch their purse
You say your one nation under God… so why bomb a church
I refuse to accept the need to curse in my verse
That would only make the way I’m viewed worse
A little boy only remembers his father in a hearse
Years later…
Now he’s in the same position
In the streets he pleads
Mr. Officer , “please don’t make me bleed”
I’m only seventeen
Well I just want you to know that if you do shoot us we’ll only bleed the same color as you
To those officers: You killed many of our children
Black Men..
But your response is : “ I didn’t mean to kill him”
Even with your body cameras filming you still get acquitted
Dear Society,
How can someone work hard from 9 to 5 and get paid minimum wage
And then someone else getting paid every time they grace a stage
We work hard to make ends meet
Not all people need government relief
Yet this is what we get
Mommas break their backs just to provide for their children
But still somehow are looked upon as the villain
I’m black not to mention I’m a woman so it makes it so much harder for me
You wanna talk about white privilege you’re about to see
You ain’t gotta tell your kids when they leave to watch their back cause they automatically have a target on it by police
And it hurts just to say this
How in the 15 years of my life this world has become so dangerous
How homeless people be in the streets
No food to eat
Rich people be passin’
No hello acting as if they don’t see
I can’t be blind to society
But I refuse to let the color of my skin or the way I wear my hair define me
This is just my letter
My 2 cents to society