One Day
I am a dreamer. An achiever is what I am to be.
I will make the world see what I can be. One Day.
One day I will make the world see what I'm made of. One Day.
One day, I will show the world how to truly love. One Day.
One day in the future whether it is tomorrow or 20 years from now, I will follow
in the footsteps of many great leaders and teachers before me, like
Martin Luther King in 1963, or like Einstein. One Day.
One day, I will be the next generation of history to uncover the cure to most of life's
mysteries. One Day.
One day, problems with no solutions will finally become resolutions. So many questions
will be answered when I become the curer of cancer. One Day.
One day, people of my generation will be less stupid and be more like cupid. One Day.
One day, my generation will be more careful when having sex,
because the new nation consists of the next. One Day.
One day, how happy people will be when I'm
the curer of most STD's. One Day.
I am a dreamer. An achiever is what I aim to be. One Day.