An Ode To My 2nd Grade Teacher
You told me I couldn't
You called me stupid
You made a "what not to do" example out of me
And here I still stand
Can a stupid kid graduate high school with a certificate in Graphic Design?
Can a stupid kid ace every foreign language class that was thrown his way
Can a stupid kid be a voice for the LGBTQ youth?
I pity you..
I pity your misery
I pity the pain you went through in the refugee camps
I pity you for the hell that Pol Pot put you and your family through
You went through so much, and you took it out on me
A star in the process of being made
My gases still orbiting me, waiting to be a part of me
You hurt me
Making me lose trust in the teachers after you
You tried to destroy me
to strip me of my nutrients while I was still a seedling
Yet I still grew
Yes, my petals are discolored
My green leaves are deformed
But I am on a constant search for sunlight and water
I breathe in your toxic CO2 formed from years of pain,insecurity and lost childhood
I spew out fresh oxygen, making the world a more beautiful place
And to set the world on fire..