Ode to Music

Ode to the music that drives through my head


Music surrounds me,
Breathing into my every pore.


Some days, I break out into a song,
While my friends watch me with knowing smiles and shakes of their head.


Sometimes, I unknowingly hum,
Blinking owlishly when someone asks me why I do it


I don't know


It comes naturally to me
Like the wind in the beach,
Never stopping and always dreaming


To me, it’s very therapeutic,
Like the smell of lavender and freesia.


To me, music is the sun that shines in the meadow
The dew drops that glisten in the sunshine.


To me, music is like the voice of angels in heaven
Giving me hope in the darkest night.


To me. music smells like the joy and happiness of a life lived.
It looks like the world with the wings of angels.
Like the taste of freedom for a caged bird. 


Someone once told me, that I seemed to move with with a beat in my head
Like I have a personal soundtrack that is always playing.


I do.


It is based in the songs I live and listen to
My very own escape from the world when things go horribly wrong.


I can hear soft lullabies,
Sad melodies whispering in the wind,
Upbeat songs that could make even the darkness laugh,
Or something my friends force me to listen.


It helps me to be grounded,
Like a flower with roots reaching throughout the earth.


I could sit in my couch for forever and a day,
Drinking hot chocolate, listening to music and reading a book.
Like the world has disappeared all around me.


And now nothing can stop me from dreaming up my own lyrics.
Something else to keep my brain occupied.
And thinking of the words that could say a million things.


Ode to the music that keeps me sane

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