Not a Fairy Tale Love
As I sit in the castle,
I feel locked up like a creature.
The world seems still and dull.
Day and Night have become one,
And life moves on without me.
I feel hope is slipping away,
That it is locked in a cage with no key.
As I sit gazing, longing at the woods,
the woods seem to look at me with reproach.
The sky is on fire.
A bird cries in the distance.
Hope is gone and love is long forgotten.
Watching my kingdom burn around me,
I want to escape this nightmare.
Where is my Knight in shining armor?
Where is that Fairy Tale Love?
Did he get lost in woods?
My soul feels eternally dark,
Just as the heavens are now.
My heart aches to be loved lucid,
My wounds make me irrational.
I set out to find my Prince Charming.
I run attempting to discover and fill this void.
I am lost in this kingdom,
There is no escaping.
It is in the deepest fragment,
On the darkest edge.
That is where I found myself.
This is not a Fairy Tale Love.
I don’t notice at first,
That this is where I found myself.
These woods once seemed dull,
Now I realize are at peace.
The sky is on fire,
But that is the reddest of sunrises.
That bird’s cries are a song.
I finally see that the problem was ME.
I finally see that I was missing MYSELF.
This is not a Fairy Tale Love.
Beauty radiates from within.
It is I who must love the world.
You cannot reproach yourself,
And expect the world not to reflect that back.
You must admire yourself.
That is how you see the beauty in the world.
This is not a Fairy Tale Love.
This is me.
I am beautiful.
This kingdom is mine,
And this kingdom loves me.
This is love,
This is love for me.