New Ones are Growing
On March 19th I went to a party
accompanied by my first love; my soul getter
I trusted him
This man I equated as an angel on earth
So when I drank too much
Exceeded my limits
I trusted him still
This man I equated as an angel on earth
I should not have
An angel would never touch me like that
Abuse my trust
My right to refuse him
Upon the comprehension of how utterly wrong I was
About his character
Everything in my life
He started a fire that burned and burned
Every tree within me fried
In the smoke I lost who I was
I became the person he believed I was
Undeserving of real love;
The flashbacks inducing despair and despondency
Would lead you to believe I saw the horrors of war
But much like the soldier I was not
I had to fight
As the fire destroyed my entire world
I created a flood in the only way I knew how
By drinking more and more of the very drink I drank that night
I fought with tears
Put out the fire with vodka
But vodka only ignited the flames further
I was fighting a losing fight
It wasn’t until 3 months after March 19th did I understand
That I desperately needed my pen and paper
Much like alcohol was a necessity
Poetry became a function I needed to live
To process
To heal
My pen and paper have taught me that I am
I’ve grieved the loss of my angel on earth
Accepted his new role in throwing me fireballs from hell
But my pen and paper are beside me
Eager to face his wrath with hoses filled with words
I’ve found my words can extinguish the fire
Even though he can't hear them
Even my therapist's advice couldn’t match the solace
From my pen and paper
My trees are gone
But new ones are growing