A New Era
What is an individual?
If not a voice to the underappreciated
The ostracized… separated at the synapse
Unable to transmit even the most simple of messages
Why do people desire to prove themselves?
To prove one’s worth at the cost of losing a life, or several.
Too often it seems we fall again into the same cycles…
Set free from the snare of lies, only to cozy up to a brand new pair of steel jaws welcoming your arrival.
Yet, I didn’t get the window seat…
A trapped appendage is not functional.
Caught in a den of thieves that may cost one their very essence
Their individuality,
Their sole purpose stripped from underneath them…
What say you to that?
It’s time to rise up!
It’s time for rebellion!
Clamor and noise silenced by a confident peoples, secure in who they are.
Security is the key that unlocks new heights.
With a firm foundation laid bare,
Hopeful visions flood the mind,
Breaking chains, revealing proper lines of communication that were there all along…
Potential is bursting through the seams,
And yet all we need, is the eyes to see,
A heart that’s open to change,
And a faith in the impossible!
Are you ready?