Near. In. Nice. Arms (N.I.N.A.)
Mom, synoym of Mother.
Mother, defined by Webster
as the female parent.
Mother, defined by me as the
air in which I breath.
Defined as the giver of my
lungs, the whip in my tongue
and the ground on which I stand.
The bones that hold my back strong
and long.
My completer,
my complimenter.
My motivator and my
most valuable posession.
One night I texted my mother,
I told her I knew where I was
going in life and the tears rolled down our
faces at the same time.
Our faces, so much alike
in complextion and completion.
When I was 6 months old,
my mother told me she'd build me an empire,
and although it never got finished I walk through it's unpainted walls,
and holey floors and I pray and I pray.
To live without my mother,
is tree without seed,
is chicken without egg,
or guppy without fish.
And one can be without the other,
they'll just be incredibly