My Past Year
What do you want to do with your life?
What is your major?
How do you like college?
Large family gatherings on breaks
I want to teach.
I am an Early Childhood Education and Intervention Specialist major.
I love it!
Fast, memorized answers
I don't know, I'm 19! I can't even rent a car.
Education, but not everything needs to be set in stone...
It is going by way too fast, am I ready to be an adult?
Just the beginning of real thoughts
You are growing up so fast!
You are going to be a great teacher!
It is such an exciting time in your life!
Relatives' encouragement
I know, it's crazy! I remember...
Thanks! I really hope so, too.
I'm trying to be grateful for every minute of it!
More memorized repsonses with a little bit of energy
Oh look who's here!
How are you doing?
Look who's home for break!
End of discussion and repeat
What have you been up to?
Have classes gone alright?
The weather was nice today!
Phone calls home when at school
This class... That class... This weekend... Last week...
Yes, one is going to be difficult though because...
Good! It was here too. How did...?
Real, loving and long conversations with Mom
Today, class...
What time will you be back tonight?
Don't forget out next meeting is...
A typical, busy school day
I have so much work to do!
7:30, just in time for our show!
This club is fun but I'm so tired.
Class, roommates, and extracurriculars
I miss you.
I miss youth.
I miss simplicity.
Continuing time
I love the new adventures
I love the independence.
I love the potential.
Continuing expectations
I hope I don't miss my shot.
I hope I don't dissappoint.
I hope I don't regret.
Continuing fears
I want to smile through the journey.
I want to laugh through the uncertainty.
I want to love through the life.
Continuing dreams