My New Dream
They say...
That friendship lasts forever,
That dreams just might come true,
That true love may visit your life,
That you are special.
They show...
That friends are apt to leave you,
That your dreams are nothing, shattered on the ground,
That true love never comes,
That you will never be enough.
Why world, why?
Why do you pretend that everything is all right?
Why do you break the hearts of those who are fragile?
Why do you sit by the sideline,
When people are hurting?
Can you ever truly show love?
Reach out to those who are weak, or sad... or scared.
Scared of you.
Scared of us.
Scared of... themselves.
Can you hold the hand of the lost?
Can you fix the wounds of the broken?
People pass... You see them on the streets.
But you stride by, on a course, aimed for you know-not-where.
Oh world, you leave the lonely to walk the path of heartache.
Forever alone.
And why?
To advance yourself would be for your gain... Maybe.
There is a greater good, you know.
Another choice.
Another way.
Do you pass by,
So you can live another day?
All for naught... but perhaps you'll never know.
To better your own life, leads to nothing in the end,
but emptiness... coldness... you are forgotten.
To lend a hand to others... you leave a legacy.
You live on in others...
their memories of you.
Their care for you.
My new dream... The dream that we will unite.
That we will love one another.
That we will carry one another's burdens.
I am not afraid.
I will be a friend to those in need.
Do Good.
Reach for the hand of another.
Exercise Humility.
Always have hope.
Measure your success with what you do to help others... not yourself.