My God
Day to day I live my life
I have almost everything I need and want
I can live without many of these things that I hold dear
But there is one, whom my heart is near
He is the one that give me all these things
The gifts of friendship, family, love, and hope
And as he gives me these gifts he can so easily take away
I can not live without the one who created my life
Who put my world into motion
As long as I follow his lead he will be there for me
And if I turn my back he will wait patiently
I can not live without my creator
The one who gives me
I cannot live without my God
He is my closest friend
He is my father
Hi is my protector
He is my light
I could not see the path that my feet walk if I did not have my
forever reigning God
The one thing that I could not live without
Because he is the provider of all my needs
and if I did not have him
I would have nothing